[19] Excellent practical experience in developing advanced information systems.
[18] Experience and publications in the area of image processing, expert system, computer education, and management of information
[17] Developed and managed several projects which include developing and implementing their strategic goals and human resources and
managing their daily operations.
[16] Published over 30 research papers in validated scientific magazines and in scientific international conferences.
[15] Strong background in the modelling, simulation and analysis of E-Business E-Learning, and E-Government Systems.
[14] Experience of working in a team of researchers and development of new IT and IS academic Programs.
[13] Experience of MSc and PhD supervision.
[12] Designed and shared in the design of the CS, IT and IS Curriculums for many undergraduate, graduate, and training programs.
[11] KAU recognition for outstanding services to the university as the head of computer centre.
[10] Successfully implemented and completed many IT projects in addition to running the computer centre.
[09] Extensive experience in Computer Programming for Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Expert System.
[08] Developed programs in many computer languages such as Assembly for 68000 processors, BASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, Parallel
C, Modula 2, PROLOG, Leonardo, and Crystal.
[07] Used PYRAMID mainframe, VAX main frame, SUN workstation, APOLLO workstation, Amiga, Macintosh and IBM PC.
[06] Used UNIX, VAX/VMS, MSDOS, and WINDOS operating systems.
[05] Involved on arranging number of exhibitions such as the Image Analysis exhibition held on the SCIENCE 90 Festival organized by
the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 20-24 August 1990, Swansea, UK.
[04] Attended several conferences in the field of Signal Processing, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, and Condition Monitoring in
UK, Germany, and USA.
[03] Developed CASPA ( Computer Aided Systematic Particle Analysis) which contains the knowledge and processing needed to identify
wear particle types. The system can play two roles in wear particle analysis: as a part of the computer vision system, or as an
independent manually driven system for wear particle identification.
[02] Developed CAVE (Computer Aided Vision Engineering) which drives the hardware and image processing software. The system
provides the requirements needed for war particle analysis environment and contains the analysis procedures which produce a
complete set of database files.
[01] Selected as a chairman for discussion sessions in many conferences.