[04] Muzdalifah rotating tower, 113340265, 22/3/1434 h, 2013.
[03] Specification device for medication time and amount, 113340260, 22/3/1434 h, 2013.
[02] Seven organs carpet, 113340253, 21/3/1434 h, 2013.
[01] Medical foot mat, 113340262, 22/3/1434 h, 2013.
[01] Muzdalifah smart building, 113340266, 22/3/1434 h, 2013.
[05] The smart mosque, 113340264, 22/3/1434 h, 2013.
[04] Foot toes washing machine, 113340263, 22/3/1434 h, 2013.
[03] Toothpick sharpener, 113340259, 22/3/1434 h, 2013.
[02] Electronic shoe cabinet, 113340255, 21/3/1434 h, 2013.
[01] Conditioned carpet, 113340254, 21/3/1434 h, 2013.
Last Update
8/18/2016 1:32:53 AM